Media Release: National
Law Firm lends its muscle to credit rating wars.
19 November 2013
Thousands of consumers are being locked out of credit because their Credit Provider has blacklisted them unfairly, and a new national law firm is stepping up and taking positive action to fight for them.
MyCRA Lawyers’ Graham Doessel – a pioneer in credit repair who is Non-Legal Director of this breakthrough legal firm focused on credit file consultancy and credit disputes – says the practice means business when it comes to helping those disadvantaged by credit rating mistakes.
“People all over the country are experiencing this debilitating issue and refused finance for five years. If a bad credit listing such as a default has been applied to the consumer’s credit file and it shouldn’t be there – it’s important that someone stands up and advocates for them,” Mr Doessel says.
It doesn’t have to be a big amount which the Credit Provider claims is owed to create a default, nor does it need to be a serial offence.
“Some Australians are snowed under with credit and genuinely robbing Peter to pay Paul; and some have no regard for making payments on time. These people can owe thousands to their Credit Providers and should be weeded out by the credit reporting system.”
“But there are many more ordinary people who are tarnished with the same brush due to one-time oversights, Credit Provider errors, and unsettled disputes. Even accounts of $100 can see them locked out of credit,” he says.
Bad credit notations are listed with credit reporting agencies such as Veda Advantage, who hold the credit files of 16.5 million Australians.
But despite credit file accuracy resting with each individual, a recent survey by Veda revealed 80% of Australians have never checked their credit file.[i]
“This lack of awareness can foster a culture of complacency if those that are supposed to be taking care with credit notations effectively have no watchdog to ensure correct and fair procedure is followed,” he argues.
He goes on to say, “often if the notation is there in error it’s not until the consumer applies for credit and is knocked back that they even begin to start to unravel the mess on their credit rating.”
Whilst there are free channels for disputing credit listings, Mr Doessel says in many cases consumers have neither the time nor skill to build or argue an effective case.
“New changes are coming through for credit reporting which could increase the number of Australians with bad credit. We forsee a great need for good advocates going forward, and we believe the best way to do that is by being part of the legal process,” Mr Doessel says.
His passion for helping consumers is a match for MyCRA Law’s Legal Practitioner Director and Principal Solicitor MaryAnn Armstrong.
She was once told that good people do not make good lawyers, and Ms Armstrong is determined to prove them wrong.
Armstrong and Doessel have built a team of like-minded people from Solicitors through to Receptionists who are all focused on helping consumers.
Ms Armstrong says, “Lawyers have a notorious reputation for helping themselves first and the client second, but I went into law with the viewpoint that everyone needs and deserves help in some way – and if we can provide that – even if it’s just furthering awareness of these issues, that’s what I will do.”
She warns consumers experiencing credit issues to be wary of shonks out there who are offering to repair bad credit and providing legal advice or performing a legal service without a practising certificate.
“Credit repair is not a formally regulated industry and while there are some good companies out there, there are also plenty of cowboys preying on consumers desperate to get finance and delivering very little in terms of quality or results,” she says.
“In some instances if people can’t afford good credit repair, they may get better results doing the leg work themselves if they have the time, and accessing the free channels for dispute, rather than paying good money to a company which seems cheap, but in many cases has minimal legal training and therefore little recourse for unethical behaviour, and could end up costing them dearly down the track,” Ms Armstrong says.
You can check if a credit repair firm is an Incorporated Legal Practice with the relevant Law Society (there’s one in each State).
MyCRA Lawyers are offering a free credit check to readers who have never checked their credit rating. For details call MyCRA Lawyers tollfree on 1300 667 218.
For existing credit issues, an in-depth Credit File Analysis and credit file consultation can also be obtained.
For interviews, please contact:
Graham Doessel – Non- Legal Director MyCRA Law Ph 3124 7133
MaryAnn Armstrong – Legal Practitioner Director, Principal Solicitor MyCRA Law Ph 3124 7133
For general media enquiries, please contact:
Lisa Brewster – Media Relations
MyCRA Lawyers 246 Stafford Rd, STAFFORD Qld
Office Ph 07 3124 7133
MyCRA Lawyers…permanently removing defaults, Writs and Judgments from credit files.
Image: foto76/

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